Breastfeeding is nature's gift to mothers: It's all-natural and free, and it provides a host of benefits to you and your baby's overall health.
However, it's often a concern for new mothers that their milk supply isn't enough.
Your milk supply may indeed temporarily diminish if you're not feeding your little one often enough for a variety of reasons.
However, it's often a concern for new mothers that their milk supply isn't enough.
Your milk supply may indeed temporarily diminish if you're not feeding your little one often enough for a variety of reasons.
Remember that milk supply works the same way as economics: there's a law of supply and demand.
With breastfeeding, the more you nurse, the more milk you produce given the proper positioning and latch.
Unfortunately for a number of mothers, their milk supply may still be low. Enter galactagogues, the most popular and most convenient being lactation cookies.
With breastfeeding, the more you nurse, the more milk you produce given the proper positioning and latch.
Unfortunately for a number of mothers, their milk supply may still be low. Enter galactagogues, the most popular and most convenient being lactation cookies.